At Impact Early Education, we design accessible, engaging, affordable preschool teacher & director/owner training courses you’ll actually enjoy taking.

When you take our courses, you can gain knowledge that applies to your classroom, get excited about learning, and build the skills you need to handle even the most challenging situations in your classroom.

At the end of this course you will be able to:

  1. Identify how to establish a habit and focus on the compounding effects of our daily habits
  2. Identify your leadership style and the routines and process you can establish to reach your daily goals
  3. Develop a plan for implementing your processes within your own life and for your team
  4. Name 5 goals for this quarter
  5. Describe your next steps to put routines and processes in place to reach your 5 goals

In remembering that our actions have the potential to make a major impact on our staff and the families that we serve, it’s easy to “stay committed,” to routines and do what will create the best educational outcomes for all! Successful completion of this course will set yourself up for success both in your personal life and in the way you lead your team.

  • Training designed by former preschool teachers, directors, & owners

  • Research-based focus on practical application

  • Affordable courses, starting at only $25!

Course Overview

How We Get to "Great": Staying Committed to the Process

    1. Course Resources

    2. Lesson 1: The Compounding Effect of Daily Habits

    3. Lesson 2: Who YOU are as a Leader

    4. Lesson 3: Leadership Comes in Various Styles!

    5. Lesson 4: The Benefits of Preparation

    6. Lesson 5: Creating a Shared Vision

    7. Lesson 6: Strategic Implementation

    8. Conversation - Tonie and Teri

    9. Quiz

    10. Feedback Form

In remembering that our actions have the potential to make a major impact on our staff and the families that we serve, it’s easy to “stay committed,” to do what will create the best educational outcomes for all!

  • $40.00
  • 10 lessons
  • 1.5 Service Hours (.15 CEUs)
  • Welcome to our course on How We Get to "Great": Staying Committed to the Process. Watch the videos and take the quiz at the end to complete this course.