At Impact Early Education, we design accessible, engaging, affordable preschool teacher & director/owner training courses you’ll actually enjoy taking.

When you take our courses, you can gain knowledge that applies to your classroom, get excited about learning, and build the skills you need to handle even the most challenging situations in your classroom.

After successfully completing this training, you will be able to:

  1. Identify the 5 fundamentals of successful marketing
  2. Develop a plan for the story you tell through your website
  3. Name key elements that must be
  4. included in your marketing Create a successful marketing strategy to increase revenue for your school

This training by marketing expert, Jay Owen, owner of Business Builders Inc. will give you some critical marketing strategies to ensure that your schools last the test of time through all types of economies.

  • Training designed by former preschool directors, owners, & teachers

  • Research-based focus on practical application

  • Affordable courses, starting at only $25!

Curriculum Overview

The 5 Fundamentals to Successful Marketing for Your Preschool

    1. Course Resources

    2. Lesson 1: Marketing 101

    3. Lesson 2: Clear Messaging Facilitates Connection

    4. Lesson 3: Website Navigation

    5. Lesson 4: Setting Yourself Apart Creates Lead Generation

    6. Lesson 5: Nurturing the Relationship!

    7. Conversation - Teri & Chris Webster from Business Builders

    8. Quiz

    9. Feedback Form

Everything you need to know to successfully market your preschool.

  • $40.00
  • 9 lessons
  • 1 Service Hour (.09 CEUs)
  • Welcome to our course on The 5 Fundamentals to Successful Marketing for Your Preschool :) Watch the videos and take the quiz at the end to complete this course.